Maigret et le fou de Sainte Clotilde

A Claudio TONETTI TV series
With :
Bruno Cremer (Commissaire Maigret), Alexandre Brasseur (Paul Lachenal), Philippe Khorsand (Duhour), Philippe Magnan (docteur Rivaud), Philippe Dormoy (police chief Leduc), Sonia Vollereaux (Mrs Bellanger), Michel Vuillermoz (Bellanger), Dora Doll (Tativa), Chrystelle Labaude (Janine), Anne Kreis (Florence Rivaud), Armelle (infirmière Bordenave), Jean-François Gallotte (the hotel boss), Christiane Ludot (the teacher)
Storyline :
Maigret has taken the night train to join his wife in Strasbourg. He sees a man about to jump off. Trying to stop him, he falls and sprains his ankle. With no identity papers and no luggage, Maigret finds himself in hospital in Sainte-Clothilde, a small town in Lorraine.
Scenario :
Pierre Granier-Deferre, Michel Grisolia and Georges Simenon
Production :
Antenne-2, Artémis Productions, Dune Productions, France 2, Media Services, Samsa Film, TSR
Release date :
Nationality :
France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland
Type of movie :
TV series