Sophie Cross S2

A Adeline DARRAUX TV series
With :
Alexia Barlier (Sophie Cross), Thomas Jouannet (Thomas), Cyril Lecomte (Gabriel Deville), Mariama Gueye (Amina), Oussama Khedam (Fred Fontaine)
Storyline :
Sophie and Thomas now have a name: “Céline Chassagne”, from whose clutches they managed to save young Sébastien Detiège at the last minute, with the help of Commissaire Lecomte’s teams. More than ever, they are driven by the hope of finding Arthur alive. Thomas is now at Sophie’s side, and together they will do everything in their power to find their son, even though they have to solve some very unusual criminal cases in parallel with this vital quest. The whole team of investigators will have to show ingenuity and solidarity. Amina and Fred’s affair turns out to be serious, and Gabriel meets up with an old acquaintance…
Scenario :
Paul Piedfort, Marie-Anne Le Pezennec
Production :
France tv Studio, RTBF, De Mensen, Neue Deutsche Filmgesellschaft (NDF), Les Gens, Gardner and Domm, France Télévisions, Les Films de l’Alliance
Release date :
Nationality :
France, Germany, Belgium, Italy
Type of movie :
TV series in 3 episodes of 90 minutes