Free to Leave (Freigesprochen)

A Peter PAYER film
With :
Frank Giering (Thomas Hudetz), Alfred Dorfer (Josef Schremser), Corinna Harfouch (Hanni Hudetz), Lavinia Wilson (Anna)
Storyline :
Twelve years of perfect service, Hudetz is stationmaster. Inattentive by the Anna seductresse, he was unaware of the signal indicating to him to lower the barrier of level crossing. Ten seconds of carelessness cause twenty-two deaths and more than one hundred casualties! At her judgement, the only person who testifies against him is his wife who saw it embracing Anna at this time…
Scenario :
Peter Payer, Ödön von Horvath
Production :
Lotus Film, Iris Productions
Release date :
Nationality :
Austria, Luxemburg
Type of movie :
Feature film