The Expatriate

A Philipp STÖLZL film
With :
Aaron Eckhart (Ben Logan), Liana Liberato (Amy Logan), Olga Kurylenko (Anna Brandt), Garrick Hagon (James Halgate)
Storyline :
The expatriate and widower Ben Logan has moved from New York to Anrwep with his estranged teenage daughter Amy Logan to work for the technology corporation Halgate Group. When he breaks a sophisticated security code from a device, he notes that its patent has no record in Halgate and he calls the attention of his boss Derek Kohler. Ben meets Amy and they do not go home; later Ben goes with Amy to his office and they find it completely empty. Further, all the records of his phone calls, e-mails, payslip and bank account have vanished. Out of the blue, a coworker abducts Ben and Amy in the bank but Ben kills him in self-defense. Ben finds a key from a locker in the Central Station and he finds photos of his daughter, himself and his coworkers. His further investigation shows that all the workers are dead in the morgue except Derek Kohler. Soon Ben discovers a huge conspiracy of Halgate Group relative to illegal arms sales to Africa with the involvement of rogue CIA agents. But Ben is in…
Scenario :
Arash Amel
Production :
Entertainment Motion Pictures, Expatriate Films, nformant Media, Smash Media (in association with) uFund, uFilm, Transfilm, Essential Entertainment, National Bank of Canada TV and Motion Picture Group, Financière des Entreprises Culturelles, Le Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral de Belgique, Informant Europe SPRL, Informant Films Europe, Umedia
Release date :
Nationality :
USA, Canada, Belgique, UK
Type of movie :
Feature film